Neck Pain

Neck Pain and Related Conditions

Chiropractic care is a highly effective option for relieving neck pain and related conditions. At Core Lifestyle Clinic located in Park Cities, our chiropractors utilize manual adjustments, or spinal manipulations, to realign the spine and provide relief from neuromuscular issues causing neck pain. Alongside adjustments, various therapies like massage, stretching, and exercises are employed to enhance neck function and alleviate discomfort.

For optimal results, it's essential to combine chiropractic care with other treatments like physical therapy, exercise, and medication. A comprehensive examination and review of medical history precede the formulation of a tailored treatment plan by the chiropractor.

If you're seeking relief from neck pain and in search of a skilled chiropractor in Park Cities, explore online directories, seek referrals from healthcare providers, or consult local chiropractic associations. Ensure the chosen chiropractor possesses expertise and training in treating neck pain and collaborates with other healthcare professionals for a comprehensive approach to your treatment.